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Price Beat EndPoint

This API is exposed to the ecommerce sites to get the discounted amount for PriceBeat enabled products. This API provides the current product price, the cheapest competitor price and the discounted price based on the pricing rules.

This API can also be accessed by a retailers POS system or any of the instore or Omnichannel staff systems to get head office approved pricing bounds for a PriceBeat enabled product, according to rules and policies enacted by merchandise pricing teams.

This API returns the following data:

  • Best Price - The cheapest price amongst the competitors.
  • Price - Recorded price for the current product from the product feed (if the displayed price on the PDP doesn’t match the recorded price from the feed then PriceBeat is disengaged).
  • Discounted Price - Based on the business rules and the monitored competitor price.


Method: GET

Endpoint: /price-beat



"price": 1795,
"bestPrice": 1616,
"discountedPrice": 1615